miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

It is important to remark that not only the resources or ideas you bring to class make it interactive, but also your attitude. You may have great worksheets and activities, but if you reflect a bad attitude towards students, you will transmit that to your class and the atmosphere will become negative. As a result, your class will not be meaningful at all despite all the material you've got. So, when you get to the classroom, show your students a smile, be warm with them,  and put all your energy in the class to make students feel related to you and the language. If you want to achieve great results, there should exist a very good rapport between your students and you. Soooo, give your best!

3 comentarios:

  1. "If you want to achieve great results, there should exist a very good rapport between your students and you" I love that phrase!! It's real, so if we find a little bit of problem with the attitudes or misbehavior of our students we must try to solve them out forthem to learn. :-) Good post girl!

  2. The attitude should come from the teacher as well from students. It is important as teachers, not to bring problems or personal issues to the classroom! switch off your mind and start enjoying of the greatest thing to do: TEACH!

  3. It's very interesting your blog. I like your point of view about interactive teaching, and the things that you shared with us.
    It is true, that the way you teach is more important, the attitude can change everything in the classroom and can help you to get better results.
