sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012


Have you heard teachers complaining about the lack of interaction and discipline in the classroom??  Your class has to make the difference!

As in the "business'' of teaching, one has to be innovative, I have invented a technique for primary classes that helps to mix discipline and interaction in class. 
This technique consists of writing on the blackboard the names of the students who are distracted or talkative while you're teaching. The students whose names remain written on the blackboard until the end of the class will be punished with a note on their agendas.

But how to engage interaction with a warning like this??

If they don't want their teachers to write on their agendas, they should participate reading or answering teachers' questions. By every line a student reads or question that he answers, the teacher will erase a letter of his/ her name.  That's the way how you will promote interaction :D

You will  be surprised with the results!!!

I already tried. It's your turn to avoid a situation like the one below:

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